Home About Partners


Onze onderwijsbeweging bestaat dankzij onze partners. Zij dragen financieel, inhoudelijk of strategisch bij door ons te ondersteunen met geld, kennis en ervaring.

Onze partners

Nationale Postcode Loterij


Since 2008, a multi-year partner of the Nationale Postcode Loterij, providing us with steadfast support as well as occasionally surprising collaborations.

Adessium Foundation


Adessium is dedicated to ensuring the future-proofing of our organization.



Provides long-term support and is closely associated with our elementary schools in North Brabant.

Stichting Brook Foundation


Supports our alumni program and the Engineering subject at our weekend schools.

Charity Fund Rijsholt


Since the 2011-2012 school year, Charity Fund Rijsholt has enabled the IMC Weekendschool program in Groningen.



Stichting Dioraphte supports our programs at elementary and contributes to our alumni program as well as the Engineering subject at our weekend schools.

Fonds 21


For years, this dedicated partner has been contributing to subjects such as Language & Poetry.

Fundatie van den Santheuvel, Sobbe


A loyal partner involved in our weekend school programs for many years.

Gelijke Kansen Alliantie


Helps us secure and sustain the continuity of our program at ten elementary schools across the Netherlands.

Municipality of Amsterdam


A steadfast partner of our weekend schools in Amsterdam for many years.

Municipality of Tilburg


Has been supporting our weekend school and local alumni program in Tilburg for many years.

Stichting IMC Goede Doel


Stichting IMC Goede Doel was our first partner, marking the beginning of IMC Weekendschool. They fund one of our ten weekend schools.

ING Nederland Fonds


Supports the expansion and ongoing development of our program in elementary schools.

Jongen Trust


Boy Trust helps make our program for elementary schools in the Heerlen area possible.



Kearney is a dedicated partner of our foundation, particularly supporting our weekend school in Amsterdam West.

Madurodam Kinderfonds


The Dutch Studies (Nederlandkunde) subject is provided in collaboration with the Madurodam Kinderfonds

Oranje Fonds


Funds our Conceptual Support Department, which oversees the quality of our programs.



Thanks to ‘Toukomst’ from Nationaal Programma Groningen, we can expand to offering our program at ten model elementary schools in the province of Groningen over the next five years.

RWE Foundation


RWE is helping to integrate our educational method into the Dutch educational landscape through our elementary school program.



Has been supporting our organization with a significant multi-year donation since 2021.

Saxum Volutum


Saxum Volutum has been an engaged and loyal partner of our foundation for many years.

Stichting ANBA


Closely involved in the upper grade program for our alumni.



VSBfonds is co-funding IMCoach, the MDT (a state community engagement program) volunteer program at IMC Weekendschool.

Young Capital


Supports our foundation financially and they also provide various training programs for our alumni, such as learning how to apply for a job and time management.



ZonMW is subsidizing IMCoach, the MDT program for volunteering work at IMC Weekendschool.

RDO Balije van Utrecht


For several years, RDO Balije van Utrecht has been supporting our primary schools in Tiel, and they now extend their support to us across the country.

  • AMVJ Fonds
  • Acture B.V.
  • Amasus Shipping B.V.
  • Arcadis Nederland BV
  • Assum Delft Advocaten N.V.
  • BAH – Bender
  • BAN PersoneelsDiensten
  • BESIX Foundation
  • BMD Advies
  • Bas Boris Visser
  • BlackRock Gives Grant Fund
  • Bob Vlake Foundation
  • Bouw sociëteit Deventer en omgeving
  • Bouwbedrijf Berghege B.V.
  • Brand New Day Bank N.V
  • Bureau Blaauw
  • Burgerweeshuis Tiel
  • Byondis B.V.
  • C&W de Boer Stichting
  • CBRE B.V.
  • CON de Wereldschool
  • Cardano Risk Management BV
  • Charity Stichting Rob Beers
  • Clifford Chance
  • Cogix B.V.
  • Common Affairs
  • Cool Foundation
  • Coöperatie Buurts U.A.
  • Crowe Foederer BV
  • DOC Kaas B.V.
  • Damen Naval Shipbuilding & Damen Yachting
  • De Reede Advocatuur B.V.
  • Dedicated
  • Droginet B.V.
  • ELJA Foundation
  • Erasmus plus
  • Erasmusstichting
  • Eska b.v.
  • Familie Staal Fonds
  • Fiep Westendorp Foundation
  • Fonds 1818
  • Fonds Schiefbaan Hovius
  • GOED B.V.
  • Gemeente Amersfoort
  • Gemeente Barneveld
  • Gemeente Breda
  • Gemeente Deventer
  • Gemeente Haarlem
  • Gemeente Heerlen
  • Gemeente Hilversum
  • Gemeente Kerkrade
  • Gemeente Middelburg Stadskantoor
  • Gemeente Nijmegen
  • Gemeente Oss
  • Gemeente Roermond
  • Gemeente Rotterdam
  • Gemeente Sittard
  • Gemeente Uithoorn
  • Gemeente Utrecht
  • Gemeente Vlissingen
  • Geostick Foundation
  • Google (Datacenter Eemshaven)
  • Groningen Seaports
  • Haella stichting
  • HaskoningDHV Nederland
  • Hekkelman Advocaten en Notarissen
  • Hendrik Muller Fonds
  • Het Element – Taalcentrum
  • Heutink Foundation
  • Holland Capital
  • Horizon Foundation
  • Hyster-Yale Europe B.V.
  • Inbo B.V.
  • Interim Finance Group B.V.
  • Interwinngroep B.V.
  • Itsme B.V.
  • J&J Benelux
  • J.C. Ruigrok Stichting
  • Jan Linders B.V.
  • Jasminum
  • John Laing Charitable Trust
  • John Laing Investments Netherlands Holdings B.V.
  • KPMG Hoofdkantoor
  • Kansrijke Groningers
  • Kiwanis Club Het Gooi
  • Kiwanis Club Hilversum-Baarn
  • Kiwanis Club Laren
  • Koppert Biological Systems
  • Lerak Foundation
  • Linklaters LLP
  • Lions Club Crailo
  • Loyens & Loeff N.V.
  • M.N. Léons B.V. Register Makelaars in Assurantiën
  • Maarten Weldam Stichting
  • May the Fourth B.V.
  • Mensen Maken Amsterdam
  • Mentha Capital B.V.
  • Movares
  • Mr. J.J.L. van der Brugghen Stichting
  • NN Group
  • NPM Capital
  • NUT Departement Groningen Haren
  • NWO
  • NXP Semiconductors
  • Nabuurs Beheer BV
  • NautaDutilh N.V.
  • Nederlandse Stichting voor het Gehandicapte Kind
  • Nexperia B.V.
  • Nijmegen Vastgoed Combinatie B.V.
  • OZ Architecten
  • Origin Media
  • Ortler B.V.
  • Osborne & Clarke Foundation
  • Pels Rijcken & Droogleever Fortuijn
  • Peutz bv
  • Podium Mozaiek
  • Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (Landelijk)
  • Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg
  • Prins Mauritsschool, locatie West
  • Pro Juventute Steunstichting
  • Provincie Drenthe
  • Provincie Groningen
  • RDO Balije van Utrecht
  • Rabobank Gooi en Vechtstreek
  • Rabobank Rijk van Nijmegen
  • Rabobank het Drentse Land
  • Roots Inspire Pte. Ltd.
  • Rotary Club Groningen Belcampo
  • Rotary Club Nijmegen-Zuid
  • Rotary Veghel
  • Rotaryclub ‘s-Gravenhage Noord
  • Rvdb
  • SHV Holdings N.V.
  • Sdu Uitgevers
  • Sint Laurensfonds
  • Snickers – de Bruijn Stichting
  • Soroptimist International, Club Walcheren
  • Soroptimisten Nijmegen
  • Sparck Technologies B.V.
  • St. Opus
  • Stibbe B.V.
  • Stichting AKBHHH
  • Stichting Armoedefonds
  • Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht
  • Stichting Boschuysen
  • Stichting Buitenkans
  • Stichting CITC
  • Stichting Casterenshoeve
  • Stichting Community Service Rotary Club Amersfoort
  • Stichting Coöperatiekring Metropoolregio Amsterdam
  • Stichting De Grez-Mahie
  • Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds
  • Stichting Emmaplein Foundation
  • Stichting FSI
  • Stichting Facilicom Foundation
  • Stichting Fred Foundation
  • Stichting Het Evert Zoudenbalch Huis
  • Stichting Jacques de Leeuw
  • Stichting Janssensfonds
  • Stichting KaNS Centraal
  • Stichting Kinderfonds van Dusseldorp
  • Stichting Kinderzorg Den Haag Rotterdam
  • Stichting Kostverloren
  • Stichting Leaf
  • Stichting Lions Barneveld Fundraising
  • Stichting Mundo Crastino Meliori
  • Stichting ORKA
  • Stichting Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam
  • Stichting Orlanda Goban
  • Stichting Oukha
  • Stichting Retourschip
  • Stichting Royal Talens Foundation
  • Stichting Steunfonds Jeugdbescherming Rotterdam
  • Stichting Steunfonds bja-cow
  • Stichting United Way The Netherlands
  • Stichting Van Dorp Foundation
  • Stichting Vivace
  • Stichting Zadelhoff Cultuur Fonds
  • Stichting Zonnige Jeugd
  • Stichting de Groot Fonds
  • Stichting philharmonie zuidnederland
  • TBI Holdings B.V.
  • The Elsevier Foundation
  • The Pokémon Company International
  • VAT Foundation
  • VTW Amsterdam
  • Vakantiepark De Klepperstee
  • Van Baaren Stichting
  • Van Doorne
  • Van Leeuwen Coaching
  • Van Oord
  • Voys Telecom
  • Willemsen Management BV
  • Winter-Heijnsius Stichting
  • Wonam Organisatie B.V.

Pro-bono partners

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betaalt zich vele malen terug.

Patricia van den Broek profielfoto

Een investering
betaalt zich vele malen terug.

Patricia van den Broek Manager Fondsenwerving 06 50231571

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